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Reports by Type

Per Oakland’s the City Charter, the City Auditor performs certain audits or reviews every year to ensure the City is operating as planned. Translation is available by contacting our Office. Below is a list of the types of reports available:

Performance Audits

Performance Audits: Performance Audits evaluate if the City is effectively and efficiently spending taxpayer dollars, complying with relevant rules and regulations, and whether programs are getting the results promised. Legend: M = Mandated performance audit and O = Operational performance audit.


Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports

Occasionally, the City Auditor conducts analyses and reviews requested from the City Council.

Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Reports (#ARFU)

These follow-up reports assess the status of the implementation of performance audit recommendations, and document if corrective action has been taken.

Annual Report

Annual reports provide a snapshot of the audits, reports and investigations published, the Office’s impact and accomplishments, citywide outreach efforts, and staffing update.

Annual Audit Work Plan

The Audit Work Plan outlines the Auditor’s planning process to determine what audits to prioritize, and how to best use the Office’s limited resources. It also reflects the Office’s ongoing efforts to audit areas that matter most to Oaklanders, while holding government accountable for improving operations, and delivering critical city services more effectively, efficiently, and equitably.

Annual Whistleblower Reports & Surveys

Whistleblower Program Annual reports give a high-level overview of program achievements and investigations, including the number of reports and resolution of reported allegations. Whistleblower Survey Annual reports provide information about employee’s perception and awareness of the Whistleblower Hotline, and comfort level reporting fraud, waste, and abuse in the City of Oakland.

Peer Reviews

As a key quality control mechanism, the Office of the City Auditor receives a peer review at least once every three years. These audits are performed by a team of independent auditors from other governmental jurisdictions and determines whether or not an audit organization’s work meets government auditing standards.

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