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Performance Audits
Performance Audits: Performance Audits evaluate if the City is effectively and efficiently spending taxpayer dollars, complying with relevant rules and regulations, and whether programs are getting the results promised. Legend: M = Mandated performance audit and O = Operational performance audit.
2024- Performance Audit of Citywide Pay Equity
- Performance Audit of Grants from the City of Oakland to Saba Grocers Initiative and its Fiscal Sponsor (O)
- Performance Audit of the Development Services Fund: Centralized Fund Management Will Better Capture Citywide Costs (O)
- Audit of Library Parcel Taxes for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 through FY 2022-23 (M)
- Audit of Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program (O)
2023- Measure Q - Budget Transparency, Performance Management, and Stronger Oversight Needed to Ensure Oaklanders Benefit from the 2020 Parks and Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, and Homelessness Support Act (M)
- City of Oakland's Financial Condition Between FY 2012-13 and 2021-22
- Business Tax Refunds Audit Fiscal Year 2018-19 through Fiscal Year 2021-22 (M)
2022- Measure M - Emergency Medical Services Retention Act (M)
- Measure N - Paramedic Services Act (M)
- The City of Oakland's Homelessness Services: Better Strategy and Data are Needed for More Effective and Accountable Service Delivery and Positive Outcomes for Oakland's Homeless Residents (O)
2021- Limited Public Financing Act November 2020 Election (M)
- The City of Oakland's Financial Condition for Fiscal Years 2012-13 through 2019-20 (O)
- The City of Oakland's Homeless Encampment Management Interventions and Activities for Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-20 (O)
- Library Services Retention and Enhancement Act & the 2018 Oakland Public Library Preservation Act, Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 (M)
2020- Measure D: Kids First Oakland Fund For Children and Youth Act Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau (O)
- Oakland Police Commission and Community Police Review Agency (M) **Knighton Award Winner
- City of Oakland Financial Condition For Fiscal Years 2012-13 to 2018-19 (O)
2019- Business Tax Refunds Audit FY 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Police Department Overtime Audit FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18 (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2018 Election Year (M)
2018- Workforce Development Audit (O)
- Business Tax Refunds FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
- Measure D Audit FY 2012-13 through 2015-16 (M)
- Measure M Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure N Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure Q Audit FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
2017- Zero Waste Request for Proposals (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2016 Election Year (M)
- OPD 911 Call Operations (O)
- Parking Citation Void Process (O)
- Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers (O)
- Cash Handling (O)
2016- Payroll Audit & Review of Internal Controls (O)
- Measure M Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Measure N Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Rent Adjustment Program (O)
2015- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Measure Q - Budget Transparency, Performance Management, and Stronger Oversight Needed to Ensure Oaklanders Benefit from the 2020 Parks and Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, and Homelessness Support Act (M)
- City of Oakland's Financial Condition Between FY 2012-13 and 2021-22
- Business Tax Refunds Audit Fiscal Year 2018-19 through Fiscal Year 2021-22 (M)
2022- Measure M - Emergency Medical Services Retention Act (M)
- Measure N - Paramedic Services Act (M)
- The City of Oakland's Homelessness Services: Better Strategy and Data are Needed for More Effective and Accountable Service Delivery and Positive Outcomes for Oakland's Homeless Residents (O)
2021- Limited Public Financing Act November 2020 Election (M)
- The City of Oakland's Financial Condition for Fiscal Years 2012-13 through 2019-20 (O)
- The City of Oakland's Homeless Encampment Management Interventions and Activities for Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-20 (O)
- Library Services Retention and Enhancement Act & the 2018 Oakland Public Library Preservation Act, Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 (M)
2020- Measure D: Kids First Oakland Fund For Children and Youth Act Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau (O)
- Oakland Police Commission and Community Police Review Agency (M) **Knighton Award Winner
- City of Oakland Financial Condition For Fiscal Years 2012-13 to 2018-19 (O)
2019- Business Tax Refunds Audit FY 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Police Department Overtime Audit FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18 (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2018 Election Year (M)
2018- Workforce Development Audit (O)
- Business Tax Refunds FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
- Measure D Audit FY 2012-13 through 2015-16 (M)
- Measure M Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure N Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure Q Audit FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
2017- Zero Waste Request for Proposals (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2016 Election Year (M)
- OPD 911 Call Operations (O)
- Parking Citation Void Process (O)
- Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers (O)
- Cash Handling (O)
2016- Payroll Audit & Review of Internal Controls (O)
- Measure M Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Measure N Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Rent Adjustment Program (O)
2015- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Limited Public Financing Act November 2020 Election (M)
- The City of Oakland's Financial Condition for Fiscal Years 2012-13 through 2019-20 (O)
- The City of Oakland's Homeless Encampment Management Interventions and Activities for Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-20 (O)
- Library Services Retention and Enhancement Act & the 2018 Oakland Public Library Preservation Act, Fiscal Years 2017-18 and 2018-19 (M)
2020- Measure D: Kids First Oakland Fund For Children and Youth Act Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau (O)
- Oakland Police Commission and Community Police Review Agency (M) **Knighton Award Winner
- City of Oakland Financial Condition For Fiscal Years 2012-13 to 2018-19 (O)
2019- Business Tax Refunds Audit FY 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Police Department Overtime Audit FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18 (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2018 Election Year (M)
2018- Workforce Development Audit (O)
- Business Tax Refunds FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
- Measure D Audit FY 2012-13 through 2015-16 (M)
- Measure M Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure N Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure Q Audit FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
2017- Zero Waste Request for Proposals (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2016 Election Year (M)
- OPD 911 Call Operations (O)
- Parking Citation Void Process (O)
- Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers (O)
- Cash Handling (O)
2016- Payroll Audit & Review of Internal Controls (O)
- Measure M Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Measure N Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Rent Adjustment Program (O)
2015- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Business Tax Refunds Audit FY 2017-18 (M)
- Oakland Police Department Overtime Audit FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18 (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2018 Election Year (M)
2018- Workforce Development Audit (O)
- Business Tax Refunds FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
- Measure D Audit FY 2012-13 through 2015-16 (M)
- Measure M Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure N Audit FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 (M)
- Measure Q Audit FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 (M)
2017- Zero Waste Request for Proposals (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2016 Election Year (M)
- OPD 911 Call Operations (O)
- Parking Citation Void Process (O)
- Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers (O)
- Cash Handling (O)
2016- Payroll Audit & Review of Internal Controls (O)
- Measure M Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Measure N Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Rent Adjustment Program (O)
2015- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Zero Waste Request for Proposals (O)
- Limited Public Financing Act (LPFA) - 2016 Election Year (M)
- OPD 911 Call Operations (O)
- Parking Citation Void Process (O)
- Tax Penalties and Interest Waivers (O)
- Cash Handling (O)
2016- Payroll Audit & Review of Internal Controls (O)
- Measure M Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Measure N Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (M)
- Rent Adjustment Program (O)
2015- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Measure N Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Measure M Fiscal Years 2009-10 through 2013-14 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2014 Election (M)
- Police Overtime for Fiscal Year 2012-13 (O)
2014- Measure D Children and Youth Services Baseline Spending and Set-Aside Requirements for the Kids First Fund FY 2009 - 2012 (M)
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 6, 2012 Election (M)
- Pension (O)
2013- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Measure Q : FY 2009-10 through FY 2012-13 (M)
- Oakland Fire Department Vegetation Inspection: 2011 and 2012 (O)
- Business Tax Refund: 2009 through June 2013 (M)
- Workers' Compensation Administration: FY 2007-08 through FY 2010-11 (O)
- Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs - March 2013
- Limited Public Financing Act: November 2, 2010 Election (M)
2012- Parking Ticket Management: FY 2010-2011 (O)
- Police Technology: FY 2006-07 Through 2010-11 (O)
- Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments and Other Reportable Matters FY 2008-09 and 2009-10 (O)
2011- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Fox Theater Renovation Project (O)
- Measure M Emergency Medical Services Retention Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- Measure N Paramedic Services Act - FY 2007-09 (M)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Internal Controls Compliance Audit (M)
2010- PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivables (O)
- CEDA Loan Receivables (O)
- Oakland Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Funding Options (O)
- Measure Q: FY 2007-08 & 2008-09 (M)
- Policies and Analyses: RPP Program (O)
- Revenue and Costs: RPP Program (O)
- Management Systems: RPP Program (O)
2009- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
- Measure Y Violence Prevention Program: Grant Selection, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Needs Improvement (M)
- Measure K 2.5% Set-Aside: City's Calculation of the Set-Aside for the Kids First! Fund (M)
- Interim Report - Residential Parking Permit (O)
- Public Works Agency (O)
- Oakland's Hiring Practices (O)
2008- Measure Q: FY 2005-06 & FY 2006-07 (M)
- Measure M: The City Used Emergency Medical Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure N: The City Used Paramedic Services Funds Appropriately (M)
- Measure K: The City Exceeded Required Funding For Children And Youth Services (M)
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
Special Requests/Non-Audit Reports
Occasionally, the City Auditor conducts analyses and reviews requested from the City Council.
Investigation Reports
Investigation reports are the result of whistleblower allegations being substantiated.
2023- Oakland Chinatown Community Benefit District Whistleblower Investigation Report (CHINESE)
- Oakland Chinatown Community Benefit District Whistleblower Investigation (ENGLISH)
- Oakland Chinatown Community Benefit District Whistleblower Investigation Report (SPANISH)
- Oakland Chinatown Community Benefit District Whistleblower Investigation Report (VIETNAMESE)
2022- Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau Investigation: Employees Lack Required Certifications
- Sewer Service Franchise Fee Investigation
- Telecommunication Facilities Sinking Fund Investigation Report
2021- Oakland Parks Recreation & Youth Development Investigation
- RESPONSE: Administration's Response to Cannabis Dispensary Application Process Substantiated Investigation
- Cannabis Dispensary Application Process
- Flawed Contracting Process: Biohazard Clean-up Services
2020- RESPONSE: OFD Response to Controlled Substances Substantiated Investigation
- Controlled Substances Investigation
Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Reports (#ARFU)
- Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau Investigation: Employees Lack Required Certifications
- Sewer Service Franchise Fee Investigation
- Telecommunication Facilities Sinking Fund Investigation Report
2021- Oakland Parks Recreation & Youth Development Investigation
- RESPONSE: Administration's Response to Cannabis Dispensary Application Process Substantiated Investigation
- Cannabis Dispensary Application Process
- Flawed Contracting Process: Biohazard Clean-up Services
2020- RESPONSE: OFD Response to Controlled Substances Substantiated Investigation
- Controlled Substances Investigation
Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Reports (#ARFU)
- RESPONSE: OFD Response to Controlled Substances Substantiated Investigation
- Controlled Substances Investigation
Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Reports (#ARFU)
These follow-up reports assess the status of the implementation of performance audit recommendations, and document if corrective action has been taken.
2024- Semiannual Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Report as of June 30, 2024
- Semiannual Audit Recommendation Follow-Up Report as of December 31, 2023
2014- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs (March 2013)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: CEDA Loan Receivables (November 2010)
2013- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Police Technology (August 2012)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivable (December 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments (March 2013)
2012- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure N (July 2011 & June 2008)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure M (July 2011 & June 2008)
2011- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
2014- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs (March 2013)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: CEDA Loan Receivables (November 2010)
2013- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Police Technology (August 2012)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivable (December 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments (March 2013)
2012- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure N (July 2011 & June 2008)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure M (July 2011 & June 2008)
2011- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
2014- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs (March 2013)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: CEDA Loan Receivables (November 2010)
2013- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Police Technology (August 2012)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivable (December 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments (March 2013)
2012- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure N (July 2011 & June 2008)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure M (July 2011 & June 2008)
2011- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
2014- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Non-Interference in Administrative Affairs (March 2013)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: CEDA Loan Receivables (November 2010)
2013- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Police Technology (August 2012)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivable (December 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments (March 2013)
2012- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure N (July 2011 & June 2008)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure M (July 2011 & June 2008)
2011- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Police Technology (August 2012)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: PWA-IDAP Accounts Receivable (December 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Accounts Payable Duplicative Payments (March 2013)
2012- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure N (July 2011 & June 2008)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure M (July 2011 & June 2008)
2011- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Residential Permit Parking (November 2011 & June 2010)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Public Works Agency "Administration" Category (November 2011 & April 2009)
- Recommendation Follow-Up Report: Measure Q (September 2010 & October 2008)
Ballot Measures
These reports provide an impartial financial analysis of City of Oakland ballot measures.
2024- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Wildfire Prevention Financing Act of 2024
- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Oakland Community Violence Reduction and Emergency Response Act of 2024
- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Modernize and Strengthen the Public Ethics Commission_Sacramento City Auditor Financial Analysis
2022- Measure Q (November) - Article 34 Affordable Housing Authorization
- Measure W (November) - Fair Elections Act/Campaign Reform
- Measure R (November) - Gender Inclusive Language
- Measure X (November) - Good Governance Charter Reform
- Measure V (November) - Just Cause Amendment
- Measure U (November) - New Infrastructure Bond
- Measure S (November) - Non Citizen Voting/OUSD
- Measure Y (November) - Oakland Zoo
- Measure T (November) - Progressive Business Tax III
- Measure C (June) - Library Services Retension & Enhancement Act of 1994
2020- Measure QQ (November) - Youth Voting
- Measure S1 (November) - Amending the Powers of the Police Commission
- Measure RR (November) - Removing Fine Limit
- Measure R (March) - Newspaper Requirement
- Measure Q (March) - Oakland Parks & Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, & Homeless Support Act
- Measure S (March) - Appropriations Limit Increase
2018- Measure AA (2018) - Children's Initiative
- Measure V (2018) - Taxation of Cannabis Business Tax
- Measure W (2018) - Special Parcel Tax on Vacant Properties
- Measure X (2018) - Graduated Transfer Tax
- Measure Y (2018) - Just Cause for Eviction
- Measure Z (2018) - Hotel Workers Wages and Conditions
- Measure D (2018) - Library Parcel Tax
2016- Measure HH (2016) - Sugar Sweetened Beverages Tax
- Measure II (2016) - Maximum Lease Term
- Measure JJ (2016) - Just-Cause Eviction Requirements and Rent Increase Approval
- Measure KK (2016) - Infrastructure Bond
- Measure LL (2016) - Police Commission
2014- Measure CC (2014) - Public Ethics Commission
- Measure DD (2014) - Redistricting
- Measure FF (2014) - Minimum Wage
- Measure Z (2014) - Public Safety
2011- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Wildfire Prevention Financing Act of 2024
- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Oakland Community Violence Reduction and Emergency Response Act of 2024
- Measure (November 2024 Ballot) - Modernize and Strengthen the Public Ethics Commission_Sacramento City Auditor Financial Analysis
2022- Measure Q (November) - Article 34 Affordable Housing Authorization
- Measure W (November) - Fair Elections Act/Campaign Reform
- Measure R (November) - Gender Inclusive Language
- Measure X (November) - Good Governance Charter Reform
- Measure V (November) - Just Cause Amendment
- Measure U (November) - New Infrastructure Bond
- Measure S (November) - Non Citizen Voting/OUSD
- Measure Y (November) - Oakland Zoo
- Measure T (November) - Progressive Business Tax III
- Measure C (June) - Library Services Retension & Enhancement Act of 1994
2020- Measure QQ (November) - Youth Voting
- Measure S1 (November) - Amending the Powers of the Police Commission
- Measure RR (November) - Removing Fine Limit
- Measure R (March) - Newspaper Requirement
- Measure Q (March) - Oakland Parks & Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, & Homeless Support Act
- Measure S (March) - Appropriations Limit Increase
2018- Measure AA (2018) - Children's Initiative
- Measure V (2018) - Taxation of Cannabis Business Tax
- Measure W (2018) - Special Parcel Tax on Vacant Properties
- Measure X (2018) - Graduated Transfer Tax
- Measure Y (2018) - Just Cause for Eviction
- Measure Z (2018) - Hotel Workers Wages and Conditions
- Measure D (2018) - Library Parcel Tax
2016- Measure HH (2016) - Sugar Sweetened Beverages Tax
- Measure II (2016) - Maximum Lease Term
- Measure JJ (2016) - Just-Cause Eviction Requirements and Rent Increase Approval
- Measure KK (2016) - Infrastructure Bond
- Measure LL (2016) - Police Commission
2014- Measure CC (2014) - Public Ethics Commission
- Measure DD (2014) - Redistricting
- Measure FF (2014) - Minimum Wage
- Measure Z (2014) - Public Safety
2011- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure Q (November) - Article 34 Affordable Housing Authorization
- Measure W (November) - Fair Elections Act/Campaign Reform
- Measure R (November) - Gender Inclusive Language
- Measure X (November) - Good Governance Charter Reform
- Measure V (November) - Just Cause Amendment
- Measure U (November) - New Infrastructure Bond
- Measure S (November) - Non Citizen Voting/OUSD
- Measure Y (November) - Oakland Zoo
- Measure T (November) - Progressive Business Tax III
- Measure C (June) - Library Services Retension & Enhancement Act of 1994
2020- Measure QQ (November) - Youth Voting
- Measure S1 (November) - Amending the Powers of the Police Commission
- Measure RR (November) - Removing Fine Limit
- Measure R (March) - Newspaper Requirement
- Measure Q (March) - Oakland Parks & Recreation Preservation, Litter Reduction, & Homeless Support Act
- Measure S (March) - Appropriations Limit Increase
2018- Measure AA (2018) - Children's Initiative
- Measure V (2018) - Taxation of Cannabis Business Tax
- Measure W (2018) - Special Parcel Tax on Vacant Properties
- Measure X (2018) - Graduated Transfer Tax
- Measure Y (2018) - Just Cause for Eviction
- Measure Z (2018) - Hotel Workers Wages and Conditions
- Measure D (2018) - Library Parcel Tax
2016- Measure HH (2016) - Sugar Sweetened Beverages Tax
- Measure II (2016) - Maximum Lease Term
- Measure JJ (2016) - Just-Cause Eviction Requirements and Rent Increase Approval
- Measure KK (2016) - Infrastructure Bond
- Measure LL (2016) - Police Commission
2014- Measure CC (2014) - Public Ethics Commission
- Measure DD (2014) - Redistricting
- Measure FF (2014) - Minimum Wage
- Measure Z (2014) - Public Safety
2011- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure AA (2018) - Children's Initiative
- Measure V (2018) - Taxation of Cannabis Business Tax
- Measure W (2018) - Special Parcel Tax on Vacant Properties
- Measure X (2018) - Graduated Transfer Tax
- Measure Y (2018) - Just Cause for Eviction
- Measure Z (2018) - Hotel Workers Wages and Conditions
- Measure D (2018) - Library Parcel Tax
2016- Measure HH (2016) - Sugar Sweetened Beverages Tax
- Measure II (2016) - Maximum Lease Term
- Measure JJ (2016) - Just-Cause Eviction Requirements and Rent Increase Approval
- Measure KK (2016) - Infrastructure Bond
- Measure LL (2016) - Police Commission
2014- Measure CC (2014) - Public Ethics Commission
- Measure DD (2014) - Redistricting
- Measure FF (2014) - Minimum Wage
- Measure Z (2014) - Public Safety
2011- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure CC (2014) - Public Ethics Commission
- Measure DD (2014) - Redistricting
- Measure FF (2014) - Minimum Wage
- Measure Z (2014) - Public Safety
2011- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure H (2011) – Return to the Appointment of the City Attorney
- Measure I (2011) - Temporary Parcel Tax
- Measure J (2011) - New Deadline to Fully Fund Closed Police & Fire Retirement Plan
2010- Measure V (2010) - Tax on Marijuana
- Measure W (2010) - Telephone Access Charge
- Measure X (2010) - Parcel Tax
- Measure BB (2010) - Proposed Revision of 2004's Measure Y
2009- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
- Measure C (2009) - 3% Surcharge to Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
- Measure D (2009) - Amendment of 2008's Measure OO
- Measure F (2009) - Creation of "Cannabis" Business Classification Tax Catagory
- Measure H (2009) - Real Property Transfer Tax Clarification
2008- Measure J (2008) - Telephone Utility User Tax Modernization
- Measure NN (2008) – Oakland Police Services Expansion Measure
- Measure OO (2008) - Kids First! The Oakland Fund for Children & Youth Act (M)
Annual Report
Annual reports provide a snapshot of the audits, reports and investigations published, the Office’s impact and accomplishments, citywide outreach efforts, and staffing update.
Annual Audit Work Plan
The Audit Work Plan outlines the Auditor’s planning process to determine what audits to prioritize, and how to best use the Office’s limited resources. It also reflects the Office’s ongoing efforts to audit areas that matter most to Oaklanders, while holding government accountable for improving operations, and delivering critical city services more effectively, efficiently, and equitably.
Annual Whistleblower Reports & Surveys
Annual Whistleblower Reports & Surveys
Whistleblower Program Annual reports give a high-level overview of program achievements and investigations, including the number of reports and resolution of reported allegations. Whistleblower Survey Annual reports provide information about employee’s perception and awareness of the Whistleblower Hotline, and comfort level reporting fraud, waste, and abuse in the City of Oakland.
2024- 2022-23 Whistleblower Program Annual Report
- 2022 Whistleblower Hotline Survey Results
- 2021-22 Whistleblower Program Annual Report
Peer Reviews
- 2022-23 Whistleblower Program Annual Report
- 2022 Whistleblower Hotline Survey Results
- 2021-22 Whistleblower Program Annual Report
Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews
As a key quality control mechanism, the Office of the City Auditor receives a peer review at least once every three years. These audits are performed by a team of independent auditors from other governmental jurisdictions and determines whether or not an audit organization’s work meets government auditing standards.
Presentations are available on the community outreach page.
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